In today’s world of fast and catchy videos, all kinds of trends circulate on social networks. This is how the trend of hyperlapses, which have existed for some time, but are becoming more and more popular in the business world, also appeared. Hyperlapse is a set of photos that are taken in equal space and time and are focused on one point. Consistency in framing and movement of the photographer is key.
In this short workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn everything you need to enter the world of hyperlapse. The theory of video production and the practical part of photographing and processing hyperlapses will be covered. At the end of the workshop, the goal is to have your first hyperlapse ready!
Number of participants: 12
Registration fee: none
Duration: 4 hours
11:30 – 11:45 – presentation of examples, introduction
11:45 – 12:30 – pre-production, personnel planning, locations, theory
12:30 – 14:10 – location search, recording/photographing
14:15 – 15:15 – post-production
15:15 – 15:30 – adaptation for social networks, export
For those who want to actively participate and do post-production on their laptop, it is necessary to have:
– Camera/mobile phone
– Laptop
– Adobe After Effects
– Adobe Lightroom (optional)
Minimum laptop specifications:
– 8 GB of RAM
– i5 processor
-50 GB of disk space
Dino Belužić is a graduate student and assistant in the study of Multimedia Computing at Algebra University. He works as a video editor for various YouTube channels and is part of various projects in the fields of video production, video editing, motion graphics, special effects and photography.